Repairs & Maintenance
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and if it is broke, let us know!
One of the ongoing initiatives of the MarkeTo District BIA is repairs and maintenance to the community. This could include anything from getting potholes fixed, hydro poles replaced, rusted or bent signs replaced or any other such issue. All of these small problems add up to take away from the general aesthetic of the area.
Current Ongoing Repairs
Hydrant Renewal

Check out our main Streetscape page for more info on our initiative to make our local hydrants a bit more pretty
Caution Pole Replacement on Dufferin

A combination of a bad driver and bad weather meant a collison with this Caution Pole by Camarra;s Pizzeria & Restaurant was doing its best to imitate the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Following a report to 311 and following up with them a few times, the pole was removed and the broken ground patched and filled in. You can definitely see an improvement
Street Furniture

“Street Furniture” does not just cover benches. It is actually defined by the city as any assets that are in the area that are not for the purpose of traffic and safety. These include waste bins, bike racks and other accesories. The BIA has noticed that we suffer from a shortage of waste bins and bike racks, leading to an increase in trash left on the streets and bikes being locked to trees or fences. To rectify this, we have put in requests for additional waste bins at strategic points throughout the district, and also requested ‘Post and Ring’ bike racks be increased in number throughout the area.