Stop the Condo Tax

Stop the Condo Tax

Stop the Condo Tax on Small Business

The Condo Tax on Small Businesses has the potential to raise taxes on properties to what their values could be and not what they are currently. For property owners, this means less income from their properties and for small businesses, higher rent to make up for this loss of revenue. This could have a devastating effect on their bottom lines

Affordability is a key factor in determining the ability for a business to thrive. The MarkeTo BIA is committed to assisting local businesses to succeed and continue to prosper.

Our City Councillor, Mike Colle, is addressing this issue and trying to push back on this new way of determining property taxes. If you have any questions or require more information, you may reach out to the BIA or directly to the Councillor at either of the methods below:

Mike Colle Constituency Office: 416-338-0008
Email:                                                    Website:

For information on how property taxes are determined please visit MPAC at