Past Events
Golf Tournaments

MarkeTo District BIA 2019 Golf Tournament
MarkeTo DistrictInaugural 2019 Golf Tournament - June 6, 2019 Join us for MarkeTo District’s Inaugural Golf Tournament for a great time and the opportunity to entertain your favourite customers and meet other BIA members on a casual basis.Bring your family or friends, all are welcome, you won’t want to miss this premier event. Register now, Spots are limited! Download Register Form Become a sponsor, spots available. See form for details.See chart at bottom of page for sponsorship availability. JUNE 06, 2019 MARKETO DISTRICT GOLF TOURNAMENT at REDCREST GOLF COURSE For a great time and the opportunity to meet other members in our BIA on a casual basis you won’t want to miss the Marketo District BIA Innaugural Golf Tournament. The ...
Food Drives

Few Days Left – Easter Food Drive
Fall Food Drive MarkeTo District Easter Food Drive 2019 Easter Food Drive, Only a Few Days Left …Only a few days left to meet our Easter Food Drive goal of 400 Kilograms of canned and non-perishable food. To date, twice a year before Thanksgiving and Easter we have been hitting our mark of 400 kg of non-perishable food items. Yes, even small donations from each of us can add up to making the difference between a child eating or going to bed hungry!Donate to a worthy cause …North York Harvest Food Bank. ...
2018 – Spring Cleanup
One of the goals for the Marketo District BIA is to make our community cleaner and greener. To help accomplish that goal, sometimes you need to get out of the boardroom and out into the streets.On June 01, 2018, the Marketo District BIA organized a cleanup of the neighborhood. We reached out to local businesses, schools and organizations and managed to attract over 100 volunteers to the event, our biggest turnout ever!We would proudly like to thank Fieldstone School, IC Savings and Lady York Foods for their donations and support. A special thank you to Silver Star Car Wash for allowing us to use their space as our HQ.We threw a pizza party for our volunteers after the clean up, ...